About Us

An allied health professional treats an injured worker

Work Healthy Australia was established more than 24 years ago (formerly the Soft Tissue Centre) by Dr James Murray, a pioneer in our industry.

Now, we have clinicians working across Australia, treating more than 55,000 injured workers annually, at more than 60 sites across Australia.

Every day, we observe how a well implemented onsite early intervention healthcare program – coupled with robust recruitment processes and targeted training programs – provides great outcomes for our clients.

We see reduced injury compensation claims and insurance premiums. We see happier workforces. We see a safety culture coming to life.

We are a people business

Our team of experienced allied health professionals are well-versed in workplace health and safety.

They understand the importance of productivity and efficiency to business.

They also understand and value people.

We know that an employee who is happy, healthy and supported is more likely to be productive and engaged.


Our ultimate goal is to keep your workers working in their designated roles

When an injury causes a worker to step away from their designated role, we use a number of methods to ensure a speedy recovery.

Early intervention, effective treatment, tailored rehabilitation and work hardening programs are implemented as soon as possible.

We want to get to know you

We work hard to understand the unique challenges each of our clients are facing.

We analyse data, look for trends, and identify risks.

Our team will work closely with you to develop a targeted, effective workplace injury prevention and management program that meets the needs of all key stakeholders.

We give you:

  • Premium early intervention healthcare
  • Data-driven results
  • A complete system of care
  • Exceptional client management
  • Tailored monthly and quarterly reporting

You will see:

  • Risks identified and mitigated
  • Increased productivity
  • Reduced LTIs
  • Reduced WorkCover claims
  • Decreased absenteeism
  • Improved workplace culture
  • Workplace Health and Safety Coordinator
    Our staff love the service, it is very popular. It definitely contributes to our proactive injury management and early intervention program.
    Workplace Health and Safety Coordinator
    Zoos, Parks and Gardens Industry
  • Stephen, General Manager
    WHA has been instrumental in getting our workforce back to work quickly either from workplace injuries or private injuries, illnesses and conditions. We've seen a huge improvement in outcomes for our workforce by making WHA's services freely available to all and getting in early following an injury and applying effective treatment/rehabilitation.
    Stephen, General Manager
    Mining Industry
  • Early Intervention Officer (RTW Coordinator)
    Since we began using WHA onsite services, the staff culture around injury management and reporting of incidents, injuries and near misses has improved. Our staff are engaging in the support we offer to return them to, or retain them at work.
    Early Intervention Officer (RTW Coordinator)
    Local Council
  • Safety Manager
    The service has been great for the employees on our site, with many receiving treatment that really helps them in their management of their health conditions.
    Safety Manager
    Food Manufacturing Industry