We know the beef industry.

We know workplace injury prevention.

We’ve been working with leading businesses in the beef industry for more than 20 years.

In fact, some of our first clients were in the beef industry.

Each year, we treat and manage more than 40,000 injuries, helping keep our patients at work, and our clients’ businesses productive.

  • Injury prevention strategies

  • Onsite injury treatment and rehabilitation

  • Pre-employment screen

  • Task analysis and risk assessments

  • Manual handling training

  • Fit-for-task assessments

  • Mini-medicals and population health reports

  • Musculoskeletal specialists

We give you:

  • Premium early intervention healthcare
  • Data-driven results
  • A complete system of care
  • Exceptional client management
  • Tailored monthly and quarterly reporting

You will see:

  • Reduced LTIs
  • Reduced WorkCover claims
  • Decreased absenteeism
  • Improved workplace culture

We understand the challenges faced by the beef industry, and the opportunities.

We understand what it takes to recruit right, retain good workers, prevent and treat injury, and create a happy, healthy and safe workplace.

Get in touch today to discuss how we can help you achieve your workplace health and safety goals.

Click on the button below or email our National Sales Manager, Shane Weaver at: shane.weaver@workhealthyaus.com.au

An infographic explaining the flow from recruiting right to retaining staff, to creating a safety culture.
  • Workplace Health and Safety Coordinator
    Our staff love the service, it is very popular. It definitely contributes to our proactive injury management and early intervention program.
    Workplace Health and Safety Coordinator
    Zoos, Parks and Gardens Industry
  • Stephen, General Manager
    WHA has been instrumental in getting our workforce back to work quickly either from workplace injuries or private injuries, illnesses and conditions. We've seen a huge improvement in outcomes for our workforce by making WHA's services freely available to all and getting in early following an injury and applying effective treatment/rehabilitation.
    Stephen, General Manager
    Mining Industry
  • Early Intervention Officer (RTW Coordinator)
    Since we began using WHA onsite services, the staff culture around injury management and reporting of incidents, injuries and near misses has improved. Our staff are engaging in the support we offer to return them to, or retain them at work.
    Early Intervention Officer (RTW Coordinator)
    Local Council
  • Safety Manager
    The service has been great for the employees on our site, with many receiving treatment that really helps them in their management of their health conditions.
    Safety Manager
    Food Manufacturing Industry